Thursday, March 31, 2011

Jordan led the NBA top 15 classic flight (Figure )

 More exciting Notes
Agonistic of course, can make people dunks emotionally, but freeze the moment to fly more people around the soul of one dream.

worship the side after a flying trapeze, With pious heart may wish to re-pay their last respects a positive flying trapeze this moment fixed in the clouds typically dunk.

human history could make such a beautiful flying action of the basketball players, perhaps only one person Carter. This is a performance art, is depicted on the rim of the kiss of death.

vacated the flight of the king of what Francis has reached the realm of what? It is a gravity out of a culmination of Yan Zi, beautiful, ethereal realm of soft-wan. When Kobe Bryant dunk

habits Quanqi legs and body in the air the full flexibility stretching, action Brisk elegant, a little more rhythmic slide charm of inadvertently giving a visual ecstasy.

crisp, neat, fast, and no signs of dragging its feet, it is Richardson's dunk. The perfect people had stayed in the air and flying marvel: he is a human or a bird?

If you selected the best basketball in the history of flying, perhaps James - White will come out shouting: I best in the world! Look, this is his free-throw line and people leap dunks pile of ecstasy scene.

had such an expert evaluation of the United States about even - Smith: This guy seems to just gently hop, you can go to the top he went to the moon. Look at this guy fly in the posture, you can not wonder wonderful thing the Creator?

Why Wade who has the shadow of Michael Jordan? - Left flat, right hand pulling the ball arc, legs curled up, stretch the air flying trapeze attitude is entirely possessed. Weber potatoes

leap, the leap of Warcraft Howard, 175 cm, Nate - Robinson challenge again and again fly high. Next time, Robinson Yao dunk that leap to consider it.

when James flew up, the best choice for the air to dodge you, or your background will be the next man. Duncan spare no effort to sell all his new discoveries.

unrivaled ability to fly by-product of the legs Wilkins. If there is no Michael Jordan, maybe we talked about the

Drexler and Michael Jordan have been highly than the dunk, after every deduction into the height of the basket a little more, .

1996 Dunk Contest, Brent - Barry successfully flew over the free-throw line dunk. After winning the Barry difficult in their own, opening a vest, vest bearing the words.

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