Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Swordsman Raiders first monthly reporters (Prohibition Reprinted)

 Editor / Reporter happy Ziwei
/ Si Kaul.
【Taoyuan Reform. Masterpiece News】 Taoyuan Jingxian magic
10   14 morning 1:00, got up just a small note , want to go to martial arts has continued to struggle at the forum saw a shocking news
another person, telecommunications an area of Taoyuan actually had a +15 magic masterpiece catch 15!!! This news is no doubt Let me confused
of woke up, wow players are now so powerful weapons are combined with research-level out? This is simply not believe, is simply a
breaking news
magic a rival the ancient heroes who struggled to find a life-long effort is a masterpiece for your magic, once
would have been the weapon life nothing. It is precisely because this masterpiece of rare and rare magic so many large Man can not achieve the dream of self-
own, such as the Three Kingdoms period of exclusive Dragon Yanyue Dao Guan Yu, Zhang Fei Long Snake Lance, Riboud's Fangtianhuaji so ancient
Mo Xie and Gan, this martial arts have + 15 chasing 15 Bai sword attack directed at 2169, got the weapons to kill God, who met God simply,
case of a ghost to kill a ghost.
+15 15 rainbow sword chasing the news coming out of the first 10 13 at 10 o'clock, we saw for himself the then confirmed the existence of
magic of this masterpiece. was the owner of this channel through the world freezing rain tears to catch the only +15 15 40 Swordsman demonstrated by the rainbow sword
out in just a few minutes caused a huge stir, boiling whom the entire server, and even some people out of expensive emergency
busy to acquire the weapons, while others doubt the authenticity of the weapon, so the war of words, verbal abuse against, and so there are all reflected
chase out hh
+15 15 rainbow sword really exist? It really is the owner of a small shake VS Aberdeen Hop out of the new own it? out how he combined?
what method to use? to proved it all in all, a small note 1 immediately into the telecommunications area, Taoyuan server, in which the M fast
the magic pan Aberdeen VS owners of small new, but did not show even the M several times, people are online is no answer, so he added a few good friends that
identity, but still does not reflect, put the store went to sleep? no way the little note had informed
who visited the scene to find out more news of this incident.
The following is an interview with a small note on the crowd:
notes: Hello, I am 173 journalists, I ask the server is not someone out of the combined catch of 15 +15 weapons?
angel with broken wings: I heard that, there are pictures sent to many people said.
notes: Have you seen it? Is that true? That weapon is what arms it?
angel with broken wings: It is true, but I did not see me, and that weapons are weapons of rainbow 40 swordsman sword! !
small note: the number of weapons that attack?
angel with broken wings: +15 15 chase, attack power is probably more than 2000 bar, but I think it is fake.
notes: Why do I say ? do not have photo card?
angel with broken wings: Most people think it is fake, do not believe, when someone shouted to the acquisition by 8000 RMB, but that were later to be always within
sound, and have not been in there. Now the highest increase of 7, and I have not seen a +8, and +15 could you say you
? I could not believe.
notes: It seems that many people do not believe ah, but the +8, +9, I'd seen a lot of it in the horizon, so ah do not
+15 is not likely to be?
angel with broken wings: I can not believe it, +8 +9 are so difficult, how does pop up +15?
obvious the players do not believe that the weapons of truth and fairness, then we take a look at how to say the next player.
notes: Hello, I am 173 journalists, I ask the server is not someone out of the +15 together to recover 15 weapons, what to do when
Ma results: 10 pm, right in the world Channel propaganda, and 40 weapons.
notes: see the equipment do you have?
Ma result: Yes, plans are made out, we have seen.
small note: You that this is true? Some people say it is fake?
Ma fruit: If you really out, I would rather give up this game for obvious reasons, first hand bought from GM, is a relationship between the families
, and second, this game has BUG, which he found only 15 strong, because I find it impossible to meet out.
small note: hh is also difficult to say this matter, such as his use of numerous security at the end, numerous strong transport, many of the stones and the money it
, you think you could come out together?
Ma result: I think the way you normally do not come out the absolute co-8 plus 9 plus all that difficult, let alone catch 15 plus 15, which simply is not thinking straight Italian
notes: Oh, really hard for!
Ma fruit: even if the synthesis rate of 50% of weapons, but you count plus 15 catch 15 How many chances next??
notes: Well, if not necessarily willing to spend it.
Ma fruit: at least a few thousand now, how under the cap is now 60, his strong arms to do a 40 ? how not strong 50
, this is too make people doubt!! he really rich? money, how his clothes before plus 5??
notes: also makes sense, we continue to observe this event it !
the players a bit extreme, it may be too fond of martial arts of the reasons for it, what is the relationship between fear and destruction BUG game balance, and we hope everyone will work together
maintain the fairness of the game.
notes: Hello, I am 173 journalists, I ask the server is not someone out of the +15 together to recover 15 weapons?
find Dragon: Yes, just see the channel in the world, 40 rainbow chasing sword +15 15 more than 2000 attack power.
small note: Do you believe that this is his own co's do?
find Dragon: do not believe this is too fake, the dead do not believe that you are 173 journalists do?
notes: Yes, we wait for the truth of the matter, that time will know the true and false.
notes: Hello, I am 173 journalists, I ask the server is not someone out of the +15 together recovery of 15 weapons?
Li can be: Yes, ah, other people say is the brush out of GM.
small note: do you believe it?
Li can: I do not know the true and false, Anyway, it is more than 2000 attack power, 40 rainbow sword.
notes: Well, it appears we have seen the ah.
Li can be: Yes, ah, but I think that is a corrupt practice should be back to or destruction of weapons!!
notes: to know the specific property you?
Li can: +15 chase 15, 2169 attack, silence plus 45, dodge plus 3.
small note: for this weapon What do you think?
Li can: GM brush out for us to see hh
after the visit they also visited a small number of people in mind, the result is seen that weapon, but many people do not believe is true , the suspect is GM
brush out, or rely on to get out of relationships, but in the end it is not true, we do not know do not say,
perhaps the owners do really have such good luck? not jealous because other people have magic home for me, but the player's eyes are bright snow
, we were quietly waiting for the result of the incident bar.
really want to hear how the co-owner of the surprise out of this World ZZZZZZZZZ ultimate weapon, and listen to the next experience I have come together to have
Oh Well ~ ~ ~ ~ a big joke so please continue to pay attention to this event now.
editor / Happy Ziwei
reporter / shadow on heart
【Bronze. Experience】 beta of the whole career
Preface: For 80% of the entire server is now 15% of the swords and guns less than 5% of the surgery and medicine for the occupational distribution , the player's heart, but cool, and also worried about his own professional practice is not no future or a change in the future is officially more waste, so the analysis into the text, hoping to help the players.
The ranger Advanced job is to upgrade the whole server recognized the fastest, PK is not bad, but a lot of career money, so districts have at least 75% of the server, the players of this career choice, 32 a group attack, and then you can +5 to put a group of strange leveling equipment, see other professional players are very jealous. In PK, the base rarely a second gun, plus 40 million major drug in the body, it is difficult to see to gun down, unless you ran out of pills or poor grades too far to blame the group of natural things and more and more money will get you to laugh, but each piece of equipment during joint play will let you clean up your savings.
money time:
32 - 38: Prisoners and Shuizei Rovers.
40-43: Evil Protestants and Yan Fanzi group
43-46: ghosts and ghost guards
46 - 48: group of archers and mages ghost
50-53: Soul Reaper and skeletons General
53-56: martial arts scum of the last two
when each segment is more difficult to blame the attacks on the white high DOT multiple drug charges, green ogre, but with little experience something less safe, to see how you to choose.
3 transfer analysis:
Most agree that the gun strong, to be honest, not an increase after 56 7 Brush blue with red, is not possible to blame the other group, so in the beginning of this period depressed the gun (only the easy blame for the early group is concerned, I have friends group number 60 of the gun before), the doctor said if the group , relatively speaking, to increase the safety factor, plus 54 doctors out of offensive and defensive skills. But unfortunately are not many doctors willing to take the gun. most of them are drug resistant brush up, and also much faster than the other professional players. relatively speaking, still practiced fast, taking no obvious decline trend. and then to the Crown, the servers are Lianqiang, basic skills may not change the gun, three knives turn Jian Jun and God is still tough, it is an indisputable fact that How has that game companies dare cross any of the interests of most players joke? so the foregoing: the next three to turn the gun is still as high as the Advanced Vocational tough, whether it is leveling or money, in the PK on the sword and surgery may be suppressed.
The ranger shot the Advanced Vocational relatively slow for a lot of practice, he did not base attack, but a larger single skill damage, with patients in the pre-attack compared to a single law, was one strange cut, the defense was not any gun high, so practice the relatively depressed, but the good news but also their Daguai, not the slowest rise, and in 54 to the PK skills, so the occupation is still relatively good, at least for the server about 15% of people are practicing the profession.
money time:
almost always can be called money, money all the time. a plus 5 equipment like, do not pursue anything plus 6 plus 7 not practical. more and save some money to buy the red and blue, or with a doctor with good intentions.
3 transfer analysis:
because there is no base attack, single skills, damage output is large, this career can be said for the PK and students, so many points for the PK with preparation for, and friends, then bring to the future it is somewhat invincible. is leveling more boring, it takes a lot of time Kanguai, the official position of the professional killer should be swimming, swordsman that is a sword, we must Antiaris Lesch. Therefore, to switch career point of view is still not a group attack, but will strengthen the single skill damage.
scattered people one of the Advanced Vocational, pre- practiced downright depressed, post-54 after the spike any occupation, do not believe, I personally see it, but it needs to note that the first surgery that our district is now 57 RMB practice brush up, do not rule out the distribution points BT and the madness of leveling and the NB of equipment, after surgery in 54 patients out of the strike and wound the soul of skills, so that melee quite depressed level of .60 is such a tragic gun is spike. group of offensive skill of fire (specifically, shrimp forget the name, only that three fire dragon) a given injury is 3900 +, and the role of the water with a slow shot of the 1300 + spell damage, hit Soul is full of class characters all feel terrible , a 4300 + damage output. the future of surgery at least a little bit of light to see it.
money Time:
with the sword is almost impossible unless you pull strange group of people, cooperation to upgrade, then the line just like the gun is the same group, otherwise another strong group of offensive skill can only look good, because the defense can not afford it is to suffer with the 10 odd touch.
3 transfer analysis:
Since after 54 to spike any profession, can be expected in later to switch job, he will be most likely to become a killer, one out of a large, but they themselves would die very fast, and in the copy, will be the main The Shaguai members, with gun drag strange, doctor's assistance, the sword of the cover, a copy can be cleaned as soon as possible, play the legend of the equipment.
most depressing job, most poor job, No one should take early, then hit with 5 sets of equipment to lower levels than their own group of 10 of the blame on the bar, at least get up, someone to bring on a little better, and is the most difficult skill points added a career, the wrong thing to be washing points, the skills of the doctors in the medical section of experiences has been said, not repeat it here. In short doctors need patience and perseverance of the players to practice, and do not find a good friend with you, otherwise more difficult to 50.
money Time:
do not lose money is a good thing, and there may also be sub friend with something, but someone else you sub-group experience, almost all of freedom, and sometimes even have to spend money on their own with the RMB. The professional able to open such a way, the official can be considered a really powerful in the end.
3 transfer analysis:
a Canadian doctor in 54 offensive and defensive skills, But only 2%, is completely not keep up with a monster attack, I really do not know if the official is not brain damaged, requiring such a high level, the effect is so bad, turn the next three will focus mainly on medical cent blood and resurrection in Canada , while Fortune is likely to focus on results and start the battle formation, so a sudden I do not even know how to recommend that players choose, but the best MM cents to switch doctors, Fortune Well this is a man of feeling.
above represents only personal analysis, but also let us not throwing eggs or something, I was on the present situation, the hope that women will be always light point, a small woman grateful. the next three to turn to a greater extent practice team players leveling of the occupation, the doctor's assistance, the gun schistosomiasis, a high base attack patients, the sword of protection. only hope that the future not just a single profession leveling
editor / Happy Ziwei
Reporter / person unknown unknown
【sword crack days. Experience】 swordsman when self!
Whether you want to be a future to vigorous superb skill and swordsmanship known to the world in the holy sword, or can be taken virtually blow the Emperor lives, evil ways, you must pass through the growth of the road are the first to become a swordsman.
but 50 of the swordsman is depressed, there are a lot of people joke that the other 50 name is , because the gun high and defensive skills of the profession can also support the AOE. facts prove this point, all 50 means a random server, the server level before the one hundred top 85% of the absolute all gun ho. To this end, the other condemning career has been a great deal. I once half-jokingly asked a martial arts journalist and sisters: : here I did not continue, and if I complain about the slow single-cut, I am afraid she was going to delete the number of advised me ......< br> swordsman said as it did in the line of duty is so ineffective it? In fact, not. I was the swordsman, starting from the 34 team has been in the brush Rovers task.'s fastest time is about 10 minutes to brushing the four tasks. four tasks required number of strange about it is probably 150 At that time members of the team is three swords and three guns. the gun did not go AOE, it is very strange duty to keep the brush point SOLO. gun has the advantage of AOE, so the gun will certainly be in the SOLO relatively badly when the capacity , is such a combination of swords three shots, four tasks will not brush more than 10 minutes, if it is six sword it? should be faster in theory, the bar. We all know the game by the task of upgrading, Even if you do not do the task then it will feel powerful AOE slow, in this argument on the hope that some of the career would not have Taikang white to experience the ... do not want to either? four Republicans to kill the 150 odd If the task is more than four words of the sword to set about 10 minutes to complete with time, as strange kind of reason can not just kill, but 1 minute of each sword can still kill four strange, and a doctor or a group full of sword comes with red, then it is not rest. but you can AOE the gun it? a gun does not seek to team up to finish four missions to long? and brush where basically all of the strange is a player in the AOE, at every turn because it will , then you will live happier than others. And the gun, though not as players complete tasks faster sword brush, but he said that a person should be able to get a few people were the spoils of war. So the gun is the fencing to be rich a lot of. which I admit, but if the sword and gun than the rich have to, then I have nothing to say. because the sword is the money see a little lighter, a cloud it! guns do not wear the clothes do not +4 +4 he does not get the weapons to the fastest AOE, but the sword it? +4 clothes to wear when you do not need to take medicine SOLO it? get the weapons on the +4 seconds you can blame it? No! blame or rely on what you look at the chop, a bottle of medicine or will drink a bottle. You Nabu Qi +4 weapons and equipment, then you Nabu Qi +3 Why? swordsman is not a lone career, the ability to be strong individuals can only be personal, but you want to survive the sword will rely on the team. to understand that if say, you do not wear a +4 equipment wear your team's overall combat effectiveness is not affected large. Perhaps you envy when the gun to the forty to by virtue of their financial resources, to eat less to buy a horse with a check card. But what is the use? luxury for the rich, but that is nothing more. Do not ride a horse that is good stuff to run fast, you do not forget, the gun so he AOE run, and you do not need, you have to do is keep the strange place in the brush. really want to buy a set of words should SHOW fashion , is hardly silly to ride a horse hair Q to pull more than the wind.
friends so be sure to play a sword unity, others do not take us, we will own the team, but speed is definitely better than one with a slower how much. (even where not kind drip inserted ads ... telecom area 2 split days server group does not usually recruit the swordsman on the team, requiring 35-40 above, plus interest group Q: 4,991,166, state classification, and occupation, extraordinary friend if you're a server, thank you.) because 50 is a copy of the game system, if the perfect game for making high level, then a copy of any game system on the job requirements are considerable . If the gun is WOW is a warrior and the sword should be a thief, right, synonymous with damage output like oh my opinion, a copy of the sword so that the high damage output and another hard practice, the most fatal, or have a professional group, So the sword at a later stage will be very happy. that time, as professional occupational imbalance and give up the game should not be a sword.
Zonda Caniggia reference CCTV5 evaluation of the phrase Gone with the Wind, sword scabbard, Jianguang flash, the match fell to the ground. My opinion
prevent hacking tonight, is going to keep BOSS, halfway off the assembly line was forced T! I thought I registered my brothers number, so I forced landing, actually feel a bit wrong. are intended to out to change the password, and be forced T off the assembly line, and then login, password error!
change your password, number to be washed, and total loss of more than two gold! may be more than two gold and not to many people nothing, but this is my effort ah!
this matter, not only those who hate me even more hacking scumbag, let me recognize more clearly alert to protect the account at any time the need for security!
and the word of warning to remind other players, I summarized and collected some information on hacking, I hope you can help!
⒈ external hacking
This is one of the most common hacking methods, we Do vigilance. harmful levels:
the main form of external hacking: hacking players who will make use of psychological, plug in the plug-in or leave the program to add Trojan horses and hacker program, when a player plug-in the case of open input game accounts and passwords, or by plug-ins to start the game, and enter the game account and password, the user's account and password to be stolen.
Prevention: Do not use any non-official aid provided, especially the plug-in there harm than benefit.
⒉ website hacking
This is one of the more common way of hacking, require players to be vigilant. harmful levels:
the main form of web hacking: hacking General would first create a Web page with the official home page of this web page or similar, even identical to, or with the Awards confirm identity, participate in activities to provide information) allows you to enter the account number and password, enter the account number and password once, page, or open, or jump directly to the official home page, and your password and account who was ill received .
prevention methods: to be alert, all activities with the official website ( introduced subject to, any Enter the br> ⒊ game hacking
one common hacking methods, directly facing the players in the game, using the player's psychology of hacking. harmful levels:
main ways the game hacking: hacking in the name of the game to create a similar GM (Game Master) role, or from a mistake is easy for players to GM's role, such as the large number of players in the game to send private message to this Award or to be closed in which your account, allowed to explain their response or e-mail account and password to make sure, or to request registration information sent directly to a mailbox. Once a player believes and Send the password, he incurs hacking.
prevention methods: All officials are not allowed to participate in the game process, GM-line processing problems, the game will never ask you for password and registration information, please players Huxiangzhuangao, pay attention to identify. Once received similar information, or e-mail, please contact customer service quickly confirm or check the official web site notices.
⒋ friendship hacking
one common hacking methods, the use of negligence in the psychology of hacking players. harmful levels :
love hacking the main method: some hacking, first in the game to get some people's trust, we use a low vigilance of friends psychological excuses (down items, use the other life skills production) ask for account number and password . Many stolen players who are guild that hacking or even their own comrades classmates, friends, the time could not believe the truth. However, such a situation on a daily basis.
precautions: Do not your account password easily tell others, tell the other side, only to each other's character to ensure the safety of their accounts. good friends better understand the importance of your account, really good friend will not be your password !
⒌ Trojan hacking
one of the most important way of hacking. harmful levels:
Trojan hacking main ways: in the machine you are using into the Trojans. enter your account password to enter the game time to secretly recorded and sent to the hacking's mailbox.
machine Trojans are now several ways:
access to external website;
access Trojan horse program with a fake Legend of Martial Arts Website ;
with a plug;
QQ players received game came with a trojan or MAIL in the photos or documents;
Internet cafes in the early machines were people under the Trojan;
prevention methods: different The Trojans enter the computer means to prevent the following acts will be able to effectively prevent:
not plug-in site;
look at all the information the official website (
resolutely resist the plug;
determined not to receive, do not open the envelope sent to do.
not new to Internet cafes to play games, play must be restarted each time Oh. away from the computer to restart back at best a.
personal home machine installation killing a number of Trojan software, open real-time protection, and very effective way.
⒍ peeping
cafes common hacking methods, degree of harm:
voyeur main form of hacking: Internet cafe in the game, everybody row row seat, enter the account password can easily be peeping into the Well.
prevention method: Enter the account password before you wait and see what people around the monitor is very concerned about their own. enter the account password when asked to enter some No, confusing the other's vision. password can also be mixed with soft keyboard input keyboard and Oh.
defense of prosperous wealth cat to remind you: Do not injure others have, defenses can not do without. in the virtual world in, please careful control of their player account and password, including registered email and registration information, do not easily disclose such information to anyone, and do not in any non-official web site of any page, enter account number and password. all rumor, Before the Internet cafes, the next reboot the machine, because the Internet cafe machines are generally Restore Wizard to restart the account can greatly reduce the threat of Trojan! best is to download a Trojan latest killing tools, compressed stored in the network in their own QQ hard drive (not as many Internet cafes under the authority, but drag down on the hard disk from the QQ), each online tool to directly kill the horse before the drag on the desktop, killing about horse!
⒉ in the game to find her husband or his wife's friends, plus the other QQ, not easily trusting, others at random to receive a picture or file sent. In general, some simple trojan file suffix. exe, but we do not have other suffixes name possible.
⒊ time to time to update my password! do no harm in their own right total?
In addition, we strongly recommend the perfect features for rapid launch cellphone! you live in the threat of players! < br> added: GM hacking has often been criticized, and I want to say is, GM is absolutely impossible to hacking, we think,
First of all, GM mean GAME MAKER, what equipment he wants to have what equipment , does not need hacking!
No. 2, GM hacking this game will affect his reputation, for their detrimental and unhelpful things will you do?
GM will manage the game have been here every day there, had enough hard work, I hope you do not criticize GM of the future, GM is innocent!
more news articles please click into the (happy Ziwei order)

editor / Happy Ziwei
reporter / shadow on heart
【Bronze. Price】 full version
market quotations region EDITORIAL:
from an economic perspective, the game is through the basic accumulation, and consumption, then the accumulation of , then the process of consumption, and two kinds of martial arts is the currency in circulation J ingot and coins. In general, comparing a district to start the virtual currency is greater than RMB, and is equal, is less than the last. That constant is the RMB is ingot, unstable currency is J, clarify this, we know how to make money on it. Oh, I'm not telling you the market price of ~
reputation Material: sub-regional, Five Powerful Chiefs and the Seven Chivalrous material is generally a set of 2J (99) Xinglin material is generally a group of 3 to 4J, Bali is about 5 to 6JJ, branded is 8-10J, and 18 shops in the area as the highest monster, of course, it is even more prestige material, the closing price and selling price in the 13J 15J at least more than one group. < br> production materials: includes the primary intermediate advanced, mainly to do weapons and clothes, like copper, iron ore, silver, light wood, cotton, etc. It should be noted that, due to cotton and light wood below only in the 40 odd storm, but high-grade equipment to these things, so the price of these two items the highest class of all materials. basically it is a group of 3 to 4J not necessarily be received, and sold 5Y people have marked a high price to go up. other materials are basically a group of 2 to 3J, these materials are currently a group of 99.
market price of the product categories:
Description: Finished products , that is, white clothes or the legendary weapons and equipment, or equipment is added a few, relatively constant prices of such equipment, and it increased with the level of price cuts in a trend of constant.
ring necklace:
Diamond A: This is a plus defense, because the importance of defense, so these rings should be the highest price, the full quote is about 60-70J, a single to a little high around 20-25.
Yao Day A: Add a critical hit and crit, and now there are basically no market price, buy buy, out of the very few.
Baihu Qing Long Suzaku basalt: These can be ...... 60 There also is used in the basic price without the city, hit, or are entitled to do the task holding their own, and sell it also does not pay. market price less than a white tiger in 40J, really poor.
a rebirth: Most people have the task garbage, plus life, more useful for doctors warlock, plus blood, prevent the next spike with a copy of a set of no more than 30J.
Resistance Equipment: now know is the silence and anti-winding resistance were valued, the other in 10J the following to go, not too expensive, the equipment belongs to PK, PK thing is, in fact, 40 million 20 million big medicine big medicine thing. resistance to drugs is so high it did not die.
Gun Ho: weapons and clothing of 50 plus 5 is 70-80J, 65J is a urgent sale, and such things also received much more than selling. plus 6 or so need to 180J, or take the additional 5 Add money to buy clothes, plus 7 more on the grade in our district was shouted 450J for sale, do not know not to sell, plus 8 something that is rich, but better in my possession.
Doctor / Warlock: weapons and clothes, add 5 to 50 class? basically how I saw did not see the closing of the sale, and the doctor is small, in addition to not Daguai, will be less equipped to do so. patients and doctors alike, But the good points only, good sales technique and equipment visible. generally sell weapons.
swordsman: Basic and gun-ho about, or a little low, the range of not more than 5J, fast shot, and also received, in addition to the gun most of this career is.
all occupations of white Packing: one is the basic 1.3 to 1.5J, depending on materials up to adjust the float level.
market price of the consumables:
Description: What is the consumption of goods? dolls, character, and 40 million large drug delivery Jumbo Court in ...

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