Sunday, October 10, 2010

Amoy bet some beautiful flowers

 Bonsai put at home, decorated the empty corner, decoration and pale white space, not only for the home life added to apathy, but also of self-cultivation the best way,UGGs, do not only see someone's home Mei Mei's flowers and plants, but ignored the flowers and selected stress and positive Anti-efficacy, the selection of flowers, the stress can be more.

placed on the plant, to be healthy home vision of the indoor exposure

shorter, so it is best to choose plants more time to cover the shade tolerant foliage plants, or half shade plant-based, such as asparagus fern, evergreen. Busy people who choose relatively strong vitality of plants, such as saxifrage, Buddha belly tree.

air purification plants

Chlorophytum, Dai powder leaves, on the renovated indoor residual formaldehyde, chlorine, benzene compounds with strong absorption. Aloe, chrysanthemum, and can reduce the pollution of indoor benzene. Rose, Rose, etc. can absorb hydrogen sulfide, benzene, phenol and other harmful gases. Sansevieria raised indoors, Monstera, Pleione huge leaves and other foliage plants and flowers, can absorb more than 80% of a variety of harmful gas, clean air. Aloe, Sedum, etc. in the evening not only absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, but also negative ions to indoor air concentration.

different flowers, different psychological feelings

type large petals of flowers - peonies, peony, rhododendron, etc.

stimulate people's creativity, dynamic thinking, reduce fatigue, boost morale, improve work efficiency.

small duo-type flowers - lavender,cheap UGG boots, carnations,UGG shoes, etc.

calm down, relax, reduce stress. Bad temper are more suitable for cultivation.

colorful flowers - Gerbera, Daisy, etc.

can improve memory,UGG boots cheap, enhance the cognitive level, easy to stimulate the desire to shy people to speak, to become good at talking to people, to reduce offensive and defensive, people live more harmoniously.

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