Wednesday, October 27, 2010

First, the impact of today's News Review and

 State played tough to curb high prices lightning The meeting identified the following policy measures: First, curb irrational demand for housing. Apply more stringent differentiation housing credit policies. On the purchase of the first set of housing and the dwelling area of 90 square meters of home, the loan's first payment shall not be less than 30%; on loans to buy second homes in the family, loans, down payment of not less than 50% of the loan rate not less than 1.1 times the benchmark rate; on loans to buy housing in the third set and the substantial increase in the proportion of down payment and interest rates. Second is to increase the effective supply of housing. Third, speed up construction of affordable housing. Fourth, strengthen market supervision.

in the financial Comment: two sets of housing the first payment shall be no less than 50%, the rumors of the largest real estate stocks to cash bad today, this is the recent surge in commodity prices brought about by the consequences. Secondary market, the recent performance of real estate stocks very weak, leading many of today's intraday low of species, but the advantage of this opportunity to come together after the related species stabilized rebound.

stock index futures market

4 today, 16, China's stock index futures era begins in earnest. Through Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea on four areas of analysis and modeling of market and found the beginning of the introduction of stock index futures, market index of all is that with a strong leading role, as the market matures, index refers to the leading role is still there, but gradually weakened. Comprehensive United States, Europe, Asia-Pacific market empirical results show that most of the studies support the stock index futures ahead of the leading time is about 5 minutes -45 minutes.

in the financial Comment: The introduction of stock index futures marked A shares will enter short time. Stock index futures market today, although when the various types of futures and some have opened strong, but eventually the formation of Gaokaidizou trend, indicating that investors expect the next time the performance index is not high, which is today one of the main stock index down.

Development and Reform Commission or implied in the second quarter price increase

water oil resources, the 15th National Development and Reform Commission said in a notice published in the second quarter will not be substantial increase in the price. One explicit reference to water oil and gas and other government goods and service price adjustment has little effect on the CPI. This is understood by the market, the NDRC to imply the second quarter of oil resources or to adjust the price of water.

in the financial Comment: March CPI rose 2.4% year on year is lower than expected water transfer at the Development and Reform Commission suggested the main reason oil prices of resources. Once these basic resource price increases, not only will increase the burden on enterprises, and eventually transfer to the general population, and upon inflationary expectations upward. The bad news for the market, while water, electricity, oil and gas industry, positive, stimulated in the news today, the performance of defensive intraday related species.

Second, the top ten institutions predict that the trend

next six lines in the negative situation is more serious Powei

Fri Shanghai and Shenzhen A-share market in the shares of the contract was introduced in the context of , received a shock in the negative trend, and with the weekly technical indicators, K Line, the same week as the heavy volume Yinxian, so from a technical point of view trajectory, Shanghai Composite Index will likely down to select Po Wei, 13 Powei weekends KLCI half-line antenna and closed at the bottom, also shows that A-share market in the stock market after a period of full circulation pattern, a substantial downward adjustment of the overall Chuxian possible varieties, especially underperformance of stock shares and subject matter categories, is expected to share after a period of the circulation process of structural adjustment of the valuation collapse of the situation facing the species, so the current A-share market investors the investment needs of selected varieties of texture, better for the company, A shares can be expected that many species will be subject to stock underperformance of pricing guide conduction mechanism of the formation of a significant setback, investors should avoid these stocks better. Trend from the share of contract terms, LF1005, LF1006 contract though was up, but the longer the upper shadow in the shade also showed that nearly two months of the situation is not optimistic. Overall, the Shanghai and Shenzhen A shares have entered into the stock after the circulation time of launch, the pattern of market regulation will bail out a new era, and the market operation will be the main features. I expect the overall market valuation will fluctuate between 15-20 times the same point of view, the current valuation system from the point of view, the overall variety of Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 index is still 25 times the PE room for adjustment, but for other types of stocks in terms of the adjustment of the space is very large, so for the operation of the market, steady investors continue to wait and see, and short-term investors should also control the position, the gap is expected to Shanghai Composite Index below the four major phases in all the land within the closed operation of care based. (Jiuding RCM)

market gradually digest the fear of bad policy

broader market opened lower on Friday shocks, stock index futures and real estate control policies and launched, the market situation has become complicated and confusing, session Turnover shrank from Thursday, one is plunged in early trading chips are deep-set number will not sell into strength, on the other hand the arrival of stock index futures also makes more people to wait and see attitude. Small-cap stocks, sub-shares, and so-called high-priced shares of hundred fell after a few days ago, Friday the emergence of a sharp fall rally, the trend of significantly stronger than the broader market, the brokerage, futures, and coal oil, banking and so was that benefit from the concept of stock index futures but have frustrated plate, although the real estate control policies can be explained by banks and other heavyweights declined, but the trend of the real estate sector itself has tended to bounce back. Hind, stock index futures on the impact of the arrival of a comprehensive, long and short game both sides have become more brutal, short term, good blue-chip so as to drive the broader market is still very large upside potential, and the other indexes have been suppressed upstream intraday trading on Friday the real estate sector strength, indicating that the market has gradually digest the fear of bad policies, advantage of this opportunity will be followed by the real estate will gradually stabilize in the low. Active funds still set his sights on a new industry sector, active in the GEM is the case. After a period of trouble after the rendering of stock index futures, the market share is still expected to return to the ranks of new industries. The capital market as long as the direction of positive flow, then, A-share market is expected to stabilize, investors overly pessimistic Buzhi Yu A-share market, emerging industry still actively buy low, sell shares. (GF Whitford)

cash is good or bad the market is expected to stabilize next week, today's A-share market

more interesting trends emerged, first appeared in positive cash situation is bad, The decline in the concept of stock index futures is the case, and petrochemical stocks and other heavyweights are also the trend of capital outflows, indicating that the trend of stock index futures market does not have a substantial impact. At the same time, there have been more beneficial than negative cash situation, to stabilize real estate stocks is the case. Second, the small cap shares active again, especially in the GEM and the hundred shares led the trend is there, so the trend, not only that the current market funds face relatively well-off, need to find new investment. Also shows that the new shares in line with industrial development trends, the market still is the recent excitement. But, since a large proportion of heavyweight share index, therefore, failed to change the broader market shares of active adjustment trend. But the broader market, after all, means that short-term excitement of new shares to find new excitement, the market is expected to stabilize in the next week, so in operation, recommend investors to hold on to meet the industrial development of the species. (Kim Braun investment)

listed A shares on the way that where?

4 16, 4 copies of the first stock index futures contracts listed gold in the brewing for several years the official debut of the means, and this is an important milestone in the financial breeds innovation, marking the entry of Chinese capital market The new stage of development. But the launch of the first day of the index, A shares not subject to its lead and inspire, weak market trend throughout the day, blue chip varieties of frustration across the board, market performance was disappointing. The face of stock index futures this new thing, investors generally unfamiliar, and stock index futures account the higher threshold, which leads to fewer participants, and the early development of the futures market, hedging is difficult to quickly gain recognition, a period of time mainly based on speculative transactions, which may cause short-term shocks of the magnitude of that increase, but gradually developed as the future market, and its development must be gradual trend of rationalization, standardization, the role of the spot market will gradually strengthened. Overall, the introduction of stock index futures market would not run a major impact on the direction of short-term performance is mainly affected by the market's recent expectations and related macro-control policy tight and the market preferences, outlook out of recession remains to be uncertain situation . (World-based investment)

why the market fell into a cycle of futures prices

broader stock index futures market today as the market focus of all parties, but also to some extent, the market's wait and see mood increased . Placid day market index, trading volume continued to shrink. From the technical analysis, the current short-term moving average of each adhesive system was gradually gathering like that the market is still difficult to get rid of the upper and lower short-term dilemma. The accumulation of 3200 points at the top in November last year, in February of this year's short-term lock-plate is more difficult to resolve, is expected to tape the late 3100 points to 3200 will be maintained between the points continue to compile the pattern. Expectation, stock index futures trading today for the capital market stable in terms of a landmark. Through Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea on four areas of analysis and modeling of market and found the beginning of the introduction of stock index futures, market index of all is that with strong leadership role. Today, the four stock index futures trading contract rose cultivars showed a situation, in particular, the greater the more the characteristics of forward contracts, gains the future, we also show that the stock market will show a pattern of upward shocks. Investors can now bargain for a quarterly pre-2010 concerns the growing plates of the leading listed companies. (Henderson Investment)

feature is not yet constitute a midline head

technical point of view, the Shanghai index this week's trading volume during the retreat again and again, as of Friday trading on the card billion level has dropped to near. The rapid turnover of short-term decline shows that the market's lack of low attacks. From the weekly technical indicators, Zhou J values KDJ indicator shows the current 100 is already in the top of the requirements of short-term adjustment of passive index more strongly. However, K value, D value is still in reasonable position,Discount UGG boots, at present do not constitute a midline head characteristics. Therefore, we believe that the requirements of next week, more intense market adjustment, but continued to challenge the 3,200 points the top of the center line of the pressure trend has not changed. (Day cards investment)

broader market outlook is still the possibility of continued turbulence

Technically, the two cities index fell, closing Yin daily stock index fell 5 lines, 10 line and six lines down Sicha divergent technical indicators KDJ, MACD indicators have weakened. Continuation of the broader market outlook is still technically possible shocks, investors pay close attention to line 20 and the 3100 points mark the strong support of an integer. Overall, today's real estate sector to continue leading the decline, mainly due to two sets of mortgage policy. The stock index futures traded today, will shunt effect on the formation of speculative funds, so the A-share market is now trading volume with the greatest shortages. In addition, speculation in the GEM board of the funds to small and medium-based speculative funds, but will also enable the introduction of stock index futures and the small plates GEM cool speculation, so the related sectors should continue to hold an evasive attitude. Operation, or the larger theme of the recent stock rallies in the small-cap stocks to the appropriate end, for the good fundamentals and valuation of stocks is still concerned about the obvious advantages. (Beijing's first card)

outside of that stock market may drag debut placid

the broader market on Friday next week, ushered in the historic premiere of stock index futures, steady performance of four waves of the first day of the contract do not panic, that stock index futures investors are increasingly mature and rational, the State Council to suppress heavy high prices, two suites down payment of not less than 50%. Shanghai and Shenzhen stock index rebounded in early trading bottom, a slight rebound in the afternoon; large area of the GEM stocks rose today, a great bubble boom GEM will not long continue to reduce the GEM proposal. Ceramics, things, medical device sector among the biggest gainers, coal, oil, insurance, banking, brokerage sector leading the decline; today in Japan and Hong Kong stock market fell, the U.S. Dow Jones index rose a huge short-term, now approaching strong resistance level, short-term peak signs outside the stock market will drag down the broader market next week, but the impact is limited. (Shandong SG)

active small-cap stocks lower center of gravity die hard

stock index futures opened the first day of departure from the index and the broader market there, though several varieties of high-index opened lower, but have different levels of rise, the futures price discovery function of the special, stock index futures is considered leading indicators index, due to the limited number of stock index futures accounts, and big money are not the stock market, futures guidance greatly reduced, adjustments in both Shanghai and Shenzhen index, we remind investors early, small-cap stocks, although subject to regulatory the most active species in the stock index futures and margin have been unveiled, the futures brokerage and other benefits are Jianguang Si plate bottom prices, combined with state regulation of real estate, stock weakness is not surprising, since the real estate section pre- longer grind, the proportion of the two suites down payment and interest rate policy to improve access to the policy after the introduction of the observation period, short-term introduction of new measures difficult, but the trend plate stabilization in property shares, but in view of this policy is not different from the pre- position does not itch, pain-regulatory, real estate and related industries will have to stabilize both the requirements of rebound of the stock market will not be much there, stock down after a short-term resistance to further decline in power after the still, small capitalization stocks rebound after the rapid decline in short-term band can provide a better opportunity, but the active center of gravity behind the continuous downward movement of short-term rebound in small-cap stocks is also limited space, warehouse heavy investors can choose the take the opportunity to lighten up a rebound. (GF Securities)

steady gains in the first day of stock index futures finished lower A shares in Shanghai and Shenzhen A shares

April 16 closing finished lower. 16 officially listed stock index futures contracts, from the performance point of view, the first day of futures market opened sharply higher a day after the trend remained stable, relatively healthy gains. IF1012 once in 12 month contract soared 8% lead four major varieties. However, spot market point of view, A shares since the prior period adjustment has continued the pattern of weak shocks. The State Council yesterday on the Second Suite shall not be less than 50% down payment and interest rate of not less than 1.1 times the benchmark rate was significantly suppressed on the real estate stocks in early trading to real estate sector tumbled, led by heavyweights continue at the same time, banks, petrochemical, and other sections are also in decline in the forefront, although both midday Stock Index was meteoric rise, but suffered another late heavyweight stocks dragged down A, both highs, is expected to short-term shocks A Shares will continue the pattern of weakness. (Dow Jones)

Third, the stock market today, the limited adjustment of insider

rebound adjustment but also look at the property looking

lightning hit severely by the State Council to curb high prices negative pressure from both Shanghai and Shenzhen on Friday shrinkage adjustment. Both cities to open slightly lower in early trading, real estate, coal, petroleum and petrochemical, financial and other weight after another fell, stock index breakdown half-line, followed by real estate stocks rebound of things, smart grid, paper and other re-active, to promote the broader market rebounded, but the late heavy selling pressure, weight weak rebound blocked down, as of the closing stock index closed at 3130.30 points. From the disk to see this week, real estate stocks continued to weaken, the blue chips are significantly stronger bound, there Segmented try to be brave, and ultimately lead to market a lack of sense of direction, waiting to see a strong atmosphere.

1, Shanghai Securities News reported that Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke testified before Congress on Wednesday that the U.S. economy seems to have entered a mild recovery. In view of signs of a rebound private sector demand, the U.S. economy into a On the same day, the Fed's latest Beige Book also shows that, in addition to a few areas, overall U.S. economy continues to rebound last month. With the strong economic data released more and more private economists have begun to raise expectations for U.S. economic recovery. Many people believe that economic growth had forecast the outside world may be too conservative.

2, the Oriental Morning Post reported that the U.S. local time on April 14, the U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke before Congress when testifying before the Joint Economic Committee, issued as the date for the outside world RMB most tough talk. He said that the yuan is undervalued, the United States should continue to put pressure on China exchange rate issue.

3, the Shanghai Securities News reported, much anticipation, the stock index futures to meet with investors today, finally, the first of four in Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 stock index futures contracts debut. The initial contracts for the May 2010, June, September and December contracts are linked to the base price offer 3399 points. As of April 15, 9137 total accounts, of which natural 8944, the general body 193, the microscopic body figure.

4, Shanghai Securities News reported, the State Council lightning hit severely curb the high prices guide the development of individual housing consumption, regulation of personal property gains tax policy. Overall responsibility to the provincial government, city government effort to implementation of the work responsibility system, housing construction, Ministry of Supervision and other interviews to establish accountability and assessment, inspection system, poor accountability for the work.

5, National Development and Reform Commission issued a document on its Web site yesterday, analysts said, the second quarter, the Chinese coal prices likely to remain stable, but before the onset of the summer shopping season may be slightly higher.

6, Guangzhou Daily reported that the National Bureau of Statistics released the first quarter economic data, the National Development and Reform Commission yesterday released the second quarter related to the overall price level forecast. Concern that the National Development and Reform Commission stressed that this year water, electricity, oil, natural gas prices will rise to certain extent. The analysis said that this is the expected price for the resource materials

7,21 Century Business Herald News, in April 1st Amendment to the Renewable Energy Law after the official implementation details of its supporting measures, have entered the National Development and Reform Commission to discuss the agenda. April 15, a Development and Reform Commission sources, the National Grid Company and the interests of more than 5 million kilowatts generating capacity of traditional power generation business, will become the security purchase renewable energy generating capacity of duty bearers. The source also predicted that the acquisition of this guarantee fund for renewable energy power generation will reach 12 billion yuan total.

8,UGG boots,4 on the evening news on 15 major steel products in the Wuhan Iron and Steel raised 500 yuan, the Baosteel May price policy re / ton, but not officially announced the results of Baosteel.

from international and domestic economic fundamentals, the U.S. economic recovery, economic data is expected to continue over the market confidence continued to improve, risk appetite, European and American stock and commodity prices continue to take a good, for A shares and formed a good stimulating effect, the domestic side, a quarter of positive macroeconomic data, stock index futures market, to enhance confidence in the market to do more, but the face of continued high prices, the State Council, a portfolio of lightning hit the real estate market regulation and differentiation in the market to do more power. Given the above, the broader market will remain short-term shock consolidation, increased volatility, can continue to rebound depends on whether the stabilized real estate stocks to stabilize. (Cod investment)

fluctuated after the break to find the direction of the broader market this week

start around the half-line fluctuated on Tuesday after the lowest low of exploration to the 3101 Index Ten Level uplink, due to 3160 points above the heavy pressure, high stock index shot up after 3181 had fluctuated, but slightly upstream of the six lines formed on the broader market some support, stock fluctuated after the break to find direction.

1-quarter GDP grew 11.9% in March CPI rose 2.4%, 2.7% lower than in February, March and the scale of new credit M1, M2 growth rate and other data on schedule down, the whole , strong economic growth, and inflation lower than expected. 14 State Council executive meeting, the Government's level of economic recovery remains cautious and maintain economic growth seems to remain the primary task of the government. Current monetary and credit are down significantly, the trend line with government regulation and control objectives, expected not the recent introduction of more effective policy of tightening credit, raising the deposit reserve rate less likely. The central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan at the Boao Forum to be negative on interest rates, combined with the recent trend of CPI, the possibility of short-term interest rates are low, which will ease investor concerns about tightening in April this year may become significant period of time to eat market.

, of course, a State Council executive meeting called for loans to buy second homes in the family, the loan shall not be less than 50% down payment, interest rate not less than 1.1 times the benchmark rate, and called on all localities to prepare and as soon as possible publication of the housing construction plan, affordable housing in shantytowns, and small and medium size apartment housing construction site not less than 70% of the total land supply. Demand side of the property market, it will be a strong medicine, no doubt will play a rapid cooling effect of the property market. On the market, short term, the policy boots have landed, real estate stocks fall will be limited, but still need to observe the local government and relevant departments of the supporting policies and market trends, real estate stocks is difficult in the short term there was a substantial rebound .

from a technical perspective, the broader market fluctuated this week that the August 4, 2009 since the 3478 formation of high pressure line on the file (3478-3361-3334 connection, the current 3160 points) still has a strong anti-pressure role. Of course, before the tape had to break up along the 2900-3100 cabinet, and in line with the 60-day moving average, from a technical point of view, the breakthrough has retraced after confirmation process, therefore, the broader market near a certain line in six months The repeated shocks is reasonable technical requirements. The 60-day moving average (currently near 3066) will constitute a strong support to the downside. From the theoretical point of view the gap, 3 February 2890 lows, has formed a two upward jumps the gap, that is, March 17 2993-2994 gap and March 29 3067-3071 gap in the callback process, 3067-3071 gap will have a strong supporting role.

investment strategy point of view, we should focus on second-line blue chips, blue chips emerged this week, pulse, small diving theme Reasonable range of current market valuations are low end, to continue a substantial downside risk is limited, the probability of long-term premium appears larger. If the premium rate significantly, a positive carry trade will increase profit margins, thereby increasing the pull on the spot market and increase the attractiveness of blue chip weight. Of course, the blue-chip pulse only chance did not begin wheeled market conditions. The stock of listed companies within the Commission allowed as long as certain conditions are met can the GEM subsidiary spin-off policy, and although hot,bailey UGG boots, nearly 3 months the GEM market suddenly potential market catalysts. Because the board has too many (Choi Tong Securities)

A shares of the first future danger

Friday is the first day of the futures market, spot market, chose not to join. Tiaokongdikai 5 points, then quickly Empress Dowager pouring down, opening an hour later, about 10:30, most broader market fell 42 points. Then began to slowly rebound, but in the afternoon 2:00, once again tumble. To a close, the Shanghai index fell 35 points, or 1.1%, to close at 3130 points.

First, the index came into shares short has finally entered a new era A new era of short - and much anticipation, the stock index futures to meet with investors last Friday, the first of four in Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 stock index Futures contracts debut. The initial contracts for the May 2010, June, September and December contracts are linked to the base price offer 3399 points. According to the notice of gold, 5 months, 6 months contracts on margin trading value of the contract is tentatively scheduled for the 15%, 9 months and 12 months contract is tentatively scheduled for 18% of the contract value; listing day price limits range: 5 months, 6 months benchmark contract price for the hanging plate 10%, 9 months and 12 months contract is linked to disk benchmark price of 20%.

Second, real estate stocks fall just the requirements of the State Council executive meeting on loans to buy second homes in the family, the loan shall not be less than 50% down payment, interest rate not less than 1.1 times the benchmark rate. a mortgage New Deal Some media have calculated that the interest rate is equivalent to 57% of the New Deal, loans 1,000,020 years, to more than 32 million in interest. Although Friday's close, the decline began to narrow the property, and multi-line property stocks only (gold, investment, Vanke) decreases only about 1%. But do not leave things to chance, the New Deal, the property market began to enter the inflection point, and real estate stocks has advanced into the rain, it is the lower.

three, only the airlines can hedge Recently, the broader market into the turbulent period of time, the only way airlines can hedge. Close, up 2.28% China Southern bounce, Air China also rose 1.73%, this is the proof. We earnestly remember that an exchange rate - billion yuan, up by 12.6%. 85% of the debt is dollar debt. Recently, airlines should pay close attention again because of - and the RMB NDF market echoes is published in China, strong economic growth data, several major foreign investment line to maintain the appreciation of the RMB in the second quarter point to restart the same. April 15, the renminbi non-deliverable forwards (NDF) increased by a second straight day and hit a three-month intraday high,UGG bailey button, after hitting a one-year NDF 6.6050 yuan, indicating that the overseas market is expected to heat up again on yuan appreciation . Data show that a quarter inflow of

A shares of the first risks the future is likely to be from the real estate shares. You know, this is bad policy But God closes a door at the same time, open a window - (Huang Shuo)

stock index created the biggest decline in almost three weeks, involving more than real estate industry

regulation of A-share market was down on Friday, the Shanghai index hit a nearly three weeks since the largest single-day decline. The State Council introduced stringent regulatory policies of real estate against banking, real estate, steel and other related industries fell across; the same time, China Stock Index Futures trading from today, prompting investors to take the opportunity to sell blue chips.

Shanghai Composite Index closed at 3130.30 points, down 1.10%; The Shenzhen Component Index closed at 12,416.86 points, down 0.77%. Shanghai and Shenzhen cities all JCP turnover 190,300,000,000 yuan, representing a decline yesterday Jinliang Cheng half. Tracking small-cap stocks of small and medium plates that contrarian rose 0.2%, while the CSI 300 blue chip companies to track and SSE 50 Index both lost more than 1%.

More than half of today's A-share market stocks fell, according to the new wealth of industry classification, only a computer, paper printing, electrical equipment and new energy, home appliances, electronics and a few other industries to rise, and fell more than 2% of the coal mining, petrochemicals, non-bank finance, banking, non-ferrous metals, steel and other industries are fell more than 1%.

Wednesday requested State Council executive meeting held on the loans to buy second homes in the family, loans, down payment of not less than 50% of the interest rate not less than 1.1 times the benchmark interest rate . Guotai Junan analysts believe that the down payment and mortgage interest rates mid-term tightening of the industry is bad, will effectively combat the speculative surge in demand drives prices to ease the panic mood of demand, the industry's future price adjustments and sales decline will have real impact. Meanwhile, the real estate industry may usher in a turning point, it will be bank loans, steel demand was larger blow fell across related sectors. Among them, the real estate stocks high-tech development, the World Union Properties, the first open shares fell more than 4%, banking stocks Industrial Bank, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank fell more than 3%, iron and steel shares Baosteel, Angang Steel Company, Wuhan Iron and Steel shares were also down more than 1%.

In addition, the first stock index futures products, today officially only transactions, various types of contracts are significantly higher in early trading opened, but then follow the spot market rose gradually narrowed and eventually closed the main contract in May 3415.6 points, 59.27 points higher than backwardation. Academic futures analyst Lee Seong-that means the performance of a suspect in one step.

related stocks suffered the stock index futures to profit taking in China fell 9.82% to close at mid-term, the concept of futures companies with shares down nearly 8% Mailyard, Daheng Technology fell more than 6%; brokerage stocks also fell across the board, State Securities, Pacific, Hong Yuan Securities both fell more than 3%. (Panorama)

pattern of means began to introduce the main game has changed?

Core Tip: Today, news of more space than the State Council, the four New Deal severely curb the high prices for real estate stocks is a heavy negative, the central bank drained 920 billion eight weeks into the tightening phase implied, and means the first day of Gaokaidizou also put pressure on market confidence. Under the influence of bad news in the A shares opened slightly lower today after the rapid decline, although the recovery disk, but they fell down late in the final stock index fell 34.67 points to close at 3130.30 points. Today, the index traded, the market had expected to lead to blue-chip elephant to dance, but today the contrary, the relative strength of small cap stocks subject, but the broader market, especially in the blue-chip financial stocks lower, dragged down in the fall, what is the logic behind this? Is pattern began to change the main game? How will the main afternoon game? Let us see below the specific analysis!

one of the main acts of the information and interpretation

1, stock index futures today unveiled the first four in Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 stock index futures contracts have Gaokaidizou;

2, the State Department out of the four New Deal, lightning hit severely curb the high prices , data push U.S. stocks turn positive for the rise or the Dow closed up 21 points.

message read: Today, most market attention than the events listed on stock index futures trading, however, four in Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 index futures contracts have Gaokaidizou, which will hit the market confidence behind this is the He further analysis of the reasons below. The State Department released yesterday evening the four New Deal lightning severely curb high prices, mainly is to attack the speculative buyers, on the whole real estate sector still form a larger negative. The weakness in banking stocks affected to some extent, if regulation of real estate as a result of a large number of real estate funds are broken, then the crazy lending banks had bad debts may be exposed, perhaps with the Social Security Fund holdings of banks H stocks also have some contact. Large intensity of the central bank to return the funds recently hinted that the current policy tightening has entered the stage, these factors have hurt the market more confidence.

Second, the main behavior analysis

1, Fund: 55 resonance sentiment indicators, the main sections: CSI 300, electronics, financial

short-term: long and short balance, and retail game;

long-term behavior: the defense-based.

Research Center, according to Desheng Ji Jin monitoring data show that as of April 8, various types of investment stock as the main direction of the Fund's average position changed little, remained stable. Position than the average equity fund was 82.45%, decreased slightly by 0.37% compared to the previous week. Fund positions have been maintained for 7 weeks between 8.2 and 8.3 into shock, the overall observed a slow decline slightly, on the other hand, the data show Fund holdings of bonds 19.0 billion in March, which is the Fund for two consecutive months since 2010, holdings of bonds, see the Fund decreased slowly in the near future positions at the same time increase the bond allocation, showing that they are still heavier risk aversion.

fund the one hand, risk aversion, on the other hand, and inflation expectations in the appreciation of the renminbi under the low position, then if there Ta risk, they still remain relatively high position in the cautiously optimistic point of view for the second quarter, most of them look at market volatility up. Relative to the current tightening phase is expected to fund are more worried about the further deterioration of the debt crisis in Europe caused the global economic double dip, then the recent EU finance ministers approved the 30 billion euros to help Greece, then Greece is expected to ease the debt crisis, then the funds are to Europe concerns about the deterioration of the debt crisis is expected to decline. This behavior is expected in the Fund under the broader market rose for the possibility of collapse are very small, it may say that if the funds out of the shock market.

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